Eating is necessary for humans to stay alive. However, it is far more than a mere act of survival. It can be a comforting, joyful experience. It is also an important part of most social events. Whether you are savoring a delicious steak or indulging in a sweet treat, consuming your favorite meals and snacks is truly something to cherish. But what if you find that, after beginning to wear dentures, you can no longer taste foods like you used to? Read on below to learn the basics of the relationship between dentures and taste in Bloomfield. You will also discover some suggestions on how you may be able to regain an accurate sense of taste.
Dentures and Taste
As humans age, it is normal for the sense of taste to lessen. In fact, flavor sensitivity can be up to 49 times lower in elderly individuals than it is in more youthful people. In some cases, the loss of taste that is often blamed on dentures is actually due to normal aging, not the prosthetic teeth.
With that being said, it must be noted that in some cases, dentures are responsible for changes in the sense of taste. This can happen in a few different ways:
- Upper dentures cover some taste buds. The majority of tastebuds are on the tongue, but those on the roof of the mouth are also important. When those taste receptors are covered, food can seem to have a weaker flavor.
- Adhesive residue. If your dentures do not fit securely, you might end up using extra adhesive. Unfortunately, doing so can create a metallic taste in the mouth.
- Food residue. Mistakes in how — and how often — you clean your dentures could allow food particles and bacteria to build up on them. Those particles, in turn, can interfere with the flavor of meals that you are currently consuming.
What You Can Do
Here are a few tips that may help denture wearers to regain an accurate sense of taste:
- Review your oral hygiene habits. You should thoroughly clean your dentures at least once a day. Ask your dentist or dental hygienist for specific guidance on how to keep your prosthetic as fresh as possible.
- Request a reline. If you have been using extra adhesive lately, visit your dentist to ask about getting your dentures relined (adjusted). When they fit more securely, you may be able to cut back on adhesive use. You might even be able to stop using it altogether.
- Consider upgrading to implant dentures. Implant dentures are anchored in the jawbone. They feel almost like natural teeth, and there is no need for them to cover the roof of the mouth.
Dentures may affect the way you experience food. The good news is that there are steps you can take to restore your sense of taste and get back to fully enjoying all of your favorite treats.
Meet the Practice
The general dentists and specialists at Family Dental Practice of Bloomfield provide comprehensive oral health services to our community, including dentures (both traditional and implant dentures), denture maintenance, and more. If you believe your prosthetic teeth are adversely affecting your sense of taste, we would be pleased to help you. To ask questions or book a consultation, contact us at 860-263-0441.