One of the big selling points of Invisalign is that the aligner trays are both convenient and aesthetically pleasing. The treatment is designed to work with your lifestyle! However, in order for Invisalign to be successful, you have to do your part. It is important that you keep your aligners in good shape so they can maintain their beautiful appearance and effectively move your teeth. Here are some easy tips to help you do that:
Regularly Rinse Your Aligners
You should rinse your aligners multiple times each day. It is a good practice to do so whenever you are getting ready to place Invisalign in your mouth. Doing this can prevent saliva from hardening on your trays and causing them to incur discoloration.
Clean Your Aligners Nightly
Even if you are in the habit of rinsing your aligners several times throughout the day, that is not a substitute for a thorough nightly cleaning. You should use a soft brush, along with a mild cleaning agent, to gently scrub your aligners inside and out. You should also regularly soak your aligners; many patients choose to use Invisalign cleaning crystals for this purpose.
Keep Your Mouth Clean
If you do not keep up with oral hygiene, bacteria could transfer from your teeth and other oral tissues onto your aligners. Over time, this can cause your aligners to collect odors, pigments, and bacteria. You should try to brush and floss after each meal so your Invisalign trays are always placed on clean teeth.
Store Your Aligners Securely
You should only remove your aligners when you are eating or taking care of oral hygiene. During those brief periods, you should be sure to place your Invisalign trays somewhere secure. For example, you would not want to wrap them in a napkin while you eat or put them in a place where a pet might be able to access them. It is wise to have a small storage case to protect them whenever they are outside of your mouth.
Mind Your Eating and Drinking Habits
Plain water is the only thing you should consume while wearing Invisalign. If you eat or drink anything else, you could easily damage or stain your aligners.
Ask Your Dentist if You Have Questions or Concerns
If you are ever unsure of how to care for your aligners, or you have other concerns related to your treatment, call your dental team. They can provide personalized guidance to help you navigate any issues that come up throughout your journey with Invisalign.
Keeping your Invisalign trays in good shape is easy! Use the above tips to help you enjoy smooth and successful treatment.
Meet the Practice
Family Dental Practice of Bloomfield is proud to provide a full range of oral health services to our community, including both Invisalign and traditional metal braces. If you have any questions about Invisalign or what you should do to care for your aligners, our team would be happy to speak with you. Contact our office at 860-263-0441.