As a frugal individual, you may periodically set aside time to evaluate your spending. Occasionally, you may decide to cancel services or subscriptions that are no longer worth paying for. What about your dental insurance? Is it a superfluous expense, or can it actually help you save money in the long run? This blog post discusses why the latter is the case.
(more…)Family Dental Practice of Bloomfield Blog
Is Dental Insurance Worth the Money?
October 22, 2023
Should You Use Dental Insurance or a Dental Discount Plan?
If you are looking for ways to save money on professional oral health care, you might be thinking about purchasing a dental insurance policy or a dental discount plan. These two arrangements are not the same, but they do both offer some distinct benefits. They also each come with some drawbacks. Which one is best for you? This blog post provides an overview of each option to help move you in the right direction.
(more…)4 Ways Vaping Can Harm Your Oral Health
September 4, 2023
The use of e-cigarettes, commonly known as vaping, has become popular in recent years. Many people reason that this habit is better than real cigarettes for both their oral and overall health. While there is some truth to that, it does not mean that this habit is beneficial in any way. In fact, vaping can harm your oral health! This blog post touches on four different ways in which it could prove damaging to your precious smile.
(more…)5 Tips to Keep Your Denture White and Bright
Your dentures should be an aesthetically pleasing complement for your smile; their size, shape, and color should flatter your natural features. Unfortunately, though, prosthetic teeth can incur stains over time. They may end up looking dull, yellowish, or even brown. How can you keep your denture white and bright? Here are some practical tips:
(more…)Which Toothpaste Should You Use for Veneers?
August 7, 2023
Veneers are one of the best ways to disguise flaws in teeth and achieve a confident, gorgeous smile. They even have the potential to last for 10 – 15 years or longer! However, they will only stand the test of time if you take good care of them. That means you have to be diligent about brushing your teeth twice a day — and you should do so with the right products. Which toothpaste should you use for veneers? This blog post provides important information.
(more…)Can You Instantly Straighten Your Teeth with Veneers?
When you smile at yourself in the mirror or look through old photos, are you happy with the way your teeth look? Perhaps you have noticed that they are a little crooked, and you are thinking about getting braces or Invisalign to straighten them. Both of those options are highly effective. However, they may take months or even years to do their job. Is there a faster solution? For some patients, yes. This blog post discusses how you might be able to instantly straighten your teeth with veneers.
(more…)August 11 Is National Align Your Teeth Day!
July 14, 2023
According to one estimate, nearly 75% of people throughout the world have some form of malocclusion (misaligned bite). Countless more deal with other orthodontic issues that could benefit from treatment. Have you been thinking about getting your smile straightened? National Align Your Teeth Day is just around the corner, so right now is a perfect time to book an Invisalign consultation. What exactly is National Align Your Teeth Day, and how can you show your support for it? This blog post explains.
(more…)5 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Smile During Summer Vacation
June 26, 2023
Are you eager to embark on a summertime getaway? Whether you aim to relax at a resort or go hiking in the wilderness, you should spare a moment to consider your oral wellness before you take off. How can you maintain a healthy smile during summer vacation? This blog post provides five helpful tips.
(more…)How to Protect Your Lips from the Sun
June 12, 2023
As summer temperatures rise, you may hear frequent reminders about how important it is to use sunscreen and take other measures to avoid getting sunburnt. Sadly, though, there is one part of the body that often gets overlooked — the lips. They are delicate and could easily incur burns. They may even develop skin cancer or oral cancer if they are often overexposed to UVA and UVB rays. What steps can you take to protect your lips from the sun? Here are some suggestions:
(more…)Do You Need a Root Canal if Your Toothache Goes Away?
May 22, 2023
If you have a severe toothache, it can put you in a bad mood and distract you from everyday tasks. If the pain suddenly disappears on its own, then, you may be grateful and simply carry on with your life. But that is not necessarily a good idea. In fact, you may still need a root canal even if your toothache goes away on its own. Why might that be the case? This blog post explains.